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Free Spirit

I am in a hollow way and notice that the ground is covered with bouncy moss; it is calm and pleasant here.

Trees and bushes grow on top of the banks and I see the roots in the slopes of the banks.

Now I take a look at myself and see that I am dressed in traditional Scottish dress. I am wearing a kilt and a green-blue tartan sash is draped over my shoulder.

I am also wearing knee-high stockings with flashes on the sides and I have a dark green bonnet on my head.


Now a teacher walks towards me and he is also in Scottish dress, and I see a sporran hanging in front of his groin.

He has a bagpipe and while he is blowing the pipes, he walks towards me on the rhythm of the music.

On his left side walks a squirrel and on his right side a deer, a rabbit and a koala are walking along.

On his shoulder sits a little bird and a big ostrich is walking behind him. He is surrounded by all sorts of animals. I even see an elephant, a lion, a tiger and a giraffe, walking along with the teacher; so it almost is an entire zoo that follows him.

And while the teacher is playing the bagpipes the animals are happily hopping along with him.


You saw me, walking in a hollow way, and with this image I want to show that there is a haven where both humans and animals feel protected and at the same time feel part of the landscape, because the animals also have a place in our world.

The human experiences this when walking in a hollow way.

You saw me wearing a kilt, and if you know a little about the history of Scotland, then you know that the Scots are known for their free spirit, the formation of clans and the protection of their own territory, but at the same time the Scots have a strong craving for freedom.

And we too have that strong craving, and that is why we present ourselves dressed like this.

Now you probably still don’t have a clue what we want to talk about, but you can be sure that the World of Wisdom contains many possibilities, also regarding emotions, because we know the emotions of the human, but at the same time recognize and propagate the craving for freedom.

Being critical too, because many people don’t like others to have an opinion about someone else or about a situation; then one quickly points a finger at that person, saying that he is very critical.

But we think being critical is a fine possibility of the human. By this he distinguishes himself from the other and doesn’t follow the same principles.

In the course of history whole tribes were called to put up a fight, because one wanted to defend and carry out the common ideas.

Each of you will know examples of this, and now there is constant fighting too; only the methods are more cunning.

Particularly when a human is critical he shows himself to be a great individualist.


Just look inside yourself how you look upon criticism and if you may be critical yourself.

A critical human doesn’t criticize everything. Being critical means that he usually sees through the bias of the other and clearly takes a stand.

We are asking of the human who is already further on his path to become aware to what extend he is still being ruled by what is seen in this society as soul-saving, or that he is being guided by his own view which might still be biased, but yet in another way than the majority of the humans.

We want to add: take a look at yourself now and your free spirit, because usually this is defined as a negative quality of a human.


We also want to mention another quality of the Scots.

We observe how the Scots are seen: they are often put down as frugal people but frugality is not the same as stinginess. It is based on the question of what is really necessary and when that is clear they are not frugal at all, but generous in their possibilities to share.

When we apply this to this lesson, it means for example that a human does not automatically fill up the collecting-box. Because often we see that a human contributes, even though he doesn’t feel like it, but he thinks giving nothing is not done.

Here too you are asked to be more critical in life.

Possibly there are people who always say no, but in that case we see that this ‘no’ stems from a form of obstinacy: I am not going along with that any more.

Whereas we say: ‘Every single purpose can do good, but the purpose has to be in harmony with your own possibilities and correspond with what you want to spread.’

So we say: ‘Don’t generalize, but become aware of the possibilities you have as a human, and decide in which collecting-box you put something and in which you don’t.’

You don’t have to give to the community club because that is the ‘we-feeling’ and when you say:

‘No, I don’t give any money there’, then that is fine with us, but possibly there are clubs, ideologies that you do like and can support financially.

So we don’t promote everybody has to give or not, but we say: ‘Make a distinction, here “being critical” and your free spirit are also reflected.’


Now you can ask: ‘If I am critical, am I not too judgmental?’

But a human has a thinking hat and a thinking hat always makes a choice between for and against and this leads automatically to a judgement, but that doesn’t mean that you have to get biased.

We bring up the collection-boxes again: if somebody from the community club is on your doorstep, you can say: ‘I don’t want to participate, I don’t feel like nourishing the we-feeling in this society’, but imagine you are a member of a band and like participating in community dos, you will find it important to contribute.

Humans make choices all the time and we don’t judge.

A judgment could be: all these people of the community club are not conscious, but we don’t go along with this.

We only say: ‘Look where you find contrasts in yourself’.

Judging your choices or rejections also makes a difference in who you are as a human. Because you have a thinking hat, you have your character and you have your possibilities in the genetic material.

So it might well be that there is a particular subject, a particular view in this society that makes you feel good.

We can do some side-tracking here. Whether we look at politics, the medical world, community centres or playgrounds: nobody can escape from having a preference or dislike.

So, being for or against is no judgment and often you can’t even substantiate the reason of that choice, because it is a feeling from within.


You saw me together with the animals and this scene seemed to take place in a paradisiacal atmosphere. We know that many people in the blue vibration say: ‘We have to go back to peace; we have to go back to where everything is united.’

That is also what we showed in these images.

But when we take a look at what is written in the Bible about Adam and Eve in Paradise, it means that they experience energy in their unconsciousness and also the animals experience this energy.

In the unconsciousness the human indeed experiences a unity in everything around him, because he doesn’t know himself yet. But when a human advances on his path, he will be shaken up by all sorts of experiences, also emotionally, and so he gets a broader view of himself in which his preferences or rejections also take shape.

You understand that this human doesn‘t experience the unity in his surroundings, but he will, now as a conscious human, have to find his own paradise and a human can only experience this when he is neutral in relation to the workings of this planet with its inhabitants.


We have to make a difference between a work situation and a normal situation in which a human finds himself, because in a work situation one has to deal with other forces than in one’s own environment.

In the work situation we often see that one regards one’s colleagues as friends: one has to remember each other’s birthdays, one has to go on maternity visits, and all this is based on the we-feeling.

This is not necessary at all; there is only a mutual purpose: the work and that is all, because you have no relationship with other colleagues.

But as soon as people have a job, they don’t talk about work anymore, but about our work. And our work means: we, us against the rest of the world and against other companies which we have to see as competitors.

But you as a human being are so far that you can say: ‘I will put on my kilt, I love my being a free spirit, I do my job and when I go home I will see how my life and my lessons go.’ Try to see that separately.

You will notice that your working life will become easier and that you will happily go to your work, because your purpose of work is to produce and to enable you to be financially independent.

If you keep that in mind than you can keep it up till the age of retirement.







Do you ever use sentences that start

With ‘really’, halfway followed by ‘but’….

Will you, in this situation, follow your heart?


Do you ever make visits out of courtesy

While you’d really like to do something else?

Or, someone is coming to your door and you have to take a look

Just when you are reading a wonderful book.

A dilemma everyone is familiar with.

What do you say in a situation like this?

“Sorry, it does not suit me, come on another occasion”.

Or: “How nice to see you” to avoid complication.


The thinking of norms and values of man

Is not concerned with his true wish or real desire.

It practices survival techniques wherever it can:

What is allowed and when do I fall out of favour.

The thinking hat uses golden scales for it all

And doesn’t listen to the inner call.


For fear of losing the overview of his life,

He dare not choose his inner voice to survive.

But others respect the inner strength

And often experience it differently than one would expect,

Because in responding without any hesitation

They recognize the Knowing and will see,

That everyone can be an independent tree.


Not always without uncertainty and suffering,

But when you dare to avoid the pitfalls of thinking

And see the workings of the mechanisms,

Unexpected possibilities lie ahead.

The thinking hat always hobbles in the rear,

Only to discover much later that a beautiful new path has opened

To the human you really want to be.

For in your real Being the life stream carries you along

As part of the Silver Sea.



Even though you may not remember,

 You’ve ‘really’ always known.



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