The Triangle
There is a plane enclosed by three lines intersecting forming a triangle.
This triangle rises on the horizon.
The triangle becomes bigger and bigger. It is orange, then gradually turns yellow, then green, blue, purple and finally white.
Each colour in turn, each with its own vibration.
The World of Wisdom can only consist of all kinds of spiritual laws, including the law of the triangle. This triangle affects your daily life, but the human is not usually aware of it.
However, this spiritual law is automatically there, and it also affects your humanness. This is why it is worth looking at the triangle differently.
A triangle may look nice; you can make a small flag from it and you could surely find one in your children’s or grandchildren‘s boxes of building blocks.
You find triangles in your life. It is just the specific explanation that is unknown to many humans.
Our vision of the spiritual law has a depth noticed by only very few humans, yet life consists of triangles only.
Take the day for example; the first part is the morning, then the afternoon being the second and night the third. This in itself is a triangle.
Here is our explanation of the triangle: ‘A situation exists, you follow the path and at the end you find something new happens.’ This happens with each new process in the course of your development as a human being.
Each time you will see that the number three is present as a spiritual number; four symbolizes the matter, but the three is the spiritual number which is used by us to help the human further on his path.
Maybe the three regularly appears in your dreams and these are messages from the World of Wisdom that may help you.
You have a very vivid dream. These are known as lucid dreams and consist of three parts.
Perhaps now you are beginning to realize how the triangle appears again and again in your life, to be noticed by you.
When you start in a given situation – the first side of the triangle – you feel that you know the situation but feel restless and you don’t want it any longer. You have to go through a process in order to change it.
This is the second side.
It is not until the third side that you really understand what this process is all about and the contours of the new situation are apparent.
Here too the triangle is clearly present in your life.
It would be good if you too could discover this in your life.
You can say: ‘I go to work and there I see three distinct moments which strike me’. Or you could go and visit someone and take the wrong road three times.
So there are many times in life when the three is present but the human is not aware of it.
However, a spiritual law doesn’t exist for nothing. It comes from the World of Wisdom and there the male and female components influence one another in order to help you attain full consciousness.
You need to be attentive. How does this triangle affect my life, how does it present itself and what can I do with it? I know it happens but I don’t really understand it. There are many such situations to be found in life. You just have to be alert.
The triangle is present from the beginning to the end, and in the process in between. This is necessary for the development of your own material consciousness. But your essence is also going through this process, leading to full consciousness at the spiritual level.
So it is not only the material consciousness that uses it but the essential consciousness experiences this power too. Hence, on all fronts one meets the triangle.
Human life consists of three phases: first childhood when a child is amazed by all that is happening. Then comes the adult phase when the human tries to carry out in his everyday life what he has experienced and learned in his youth. This is followed by the third phase: the human begins to age and says goodbye to the life of which he was so much part. This is also a triangle.
The above examples clearly show that in all your lives there are many examples and we just ask you to take a look. It could be when you are shopping, educating your children, doing the laundry; yes, the triangle is found in all kinds of situations. Unfortunately, we find that the human does not pay enough attention to it and only sees a few triangles in his life when, in fact, there are many. This is a pity as the human misses out on the help available to continue on his path.
When we speak of the triangle and say: ‘Look at this triangle’, you need to quit horizontal thinking. The thinking hat needs to shift slightly so that you start thinking vertically, because in order to get an overview of your own life, you have to take a step back and learn to observe and for this to happen the shift of your thinking hat is very important.
Your thinking hat plays a leading role and you do need it in your daily life but just be aware that your thinking hat closes the door to your essence.
We would now like to make a distinction between this thinking hat and the human that you really are, to make you understand that this thinking hat is only a tool and isn’t your true self, although you are inclined to identify with the thinking hat.
What we would like you to do is to look at that thinking hat in another way – more like a part of your body – because that’s all it is. You then begin to observe yourself and gradually your vision will broaden. This is why we ask you to take the time to search: ‘How does a triangle appear in my life?’
Once you’ve found the first triangle, others will follow easily.
As teachers we are already slightly more advanced than you. Our vision is wider – but we too learn every day. We find something new every day. We also find triangles appearing in our lives all the time, because we are dealing with essences, dealing with the task. Our own processes also continue in this way and need this triangle again and again in order to understand our task and place in the World of Wisdom.
Although you don’t know too much about it yet, it is great to see that laws rule your lives.
We want to limit ourselves and only show you the triangle, but as a human being you are much more than this – with many possibilities. So we would just like to offer you a little at a time, otherwise it would be too much.
Each in his own way has to deal with the life he is shown.
If a human is able to do that he can deal with other observations himself. For example, I have a situation which has lasted for so long I don’t want it anymore and deep down I want to continue on my path.
At that moment the triangle is put into effect.
It is useful for you of course to be aware that there is a triangle as a spiritual law.
A human has to let go of his sense of victimhood, if he wants to get further on his path in life. If a person is still drawn to his parental environment, then time and time again he will return to his parents’ path, to the family and the setting he grew up in.
Loyalty to your family is a blockade that hinders you to progress in this life.
And of course it seems quite odd that we speak about loyalty, while the human himself thinks he didn’t have much luck with his parents and his environment. Still the human returns again and again, hoping they appreciate him or that his parents are proud of him.
On the other hand we see that the moment his family calls upon him for help, he stands with them completely once again. We would like to change this pattern. Not to break with the parents or with the old environment, but one has to learn to look at it in a more neutral way. Because in this neutrality you are able to keep in touch with your own essence, and your essence will tell you whether or not to do something in a situation with your family.
But the human will say: ‘Yes, but I am part of them.’ Which means that family still has a strong pull on the human, and because of that, he is no longer in touch with his essence.
The creation of a family only happens because the essence has chosen that environment, it was attracted to this setting to learn its lessons.
And when the lessons are learned, this environment doesn’t have any use to the essence anymore.
So the family is no longer useful to you either, and this may seem harsh. Because many will think, All right, but surely I cannot abandon my father, mother, brother and sister?
But from your essence’s point of view, you don’t have a bond with them any longer. The essence needed this environment to learn its lessons and as soon as the lessons are learned, this chapter has ended and you do not have to go back to it anymore.
We do hope that you’ll gradually start to distinguish and see that you are not a member of a family, but that your essence only chose this family as teaching material so you would be able to continue on your path. And we hope that, because of this insight, you’ll stop being pulled back by the characteristics of your family.
This does not mean you don’t respect them, but in a certain phase of your development you will be expected to make your own choice.
And you are not doing it for us. We can allow for many things in your humanness, because we know humans through all their troubles and struggles.
The important thing is that you find the urge in yourself to get further on your path.
And we only can say: ‘Yes, it does have its consequences.’