I see a huge box of sweets in front of me, the kind of box which grandmothers generally spoil their grandchildren with, who form a circle around it with their eyes full of longing. Most of the sweeties are wrapped up in colourful shiny wrappers. I see soft caramels, liquorice, nougat, marshmallows and chocolates. All sorts of delicious sweets are presented invitingly to me in this enormous box.
Symbolically, the shiny papers have an attraction and give rise to a desire for humans. The colours of these wrappers represent vibrations corresponding to the chakras, because each chakra, each colour vibration has its own form of desire.
You may consider a desire as something the human thinks, I cannot get on with my life until it is satisfied. The essence which chooses to descend into the material world does not choose a body, but chooses a certain desire and, following the attraction of this desire, it finally arrives in a body. Most of the time the human is brought up with the idea of being offered by God, of being born of love. However, this comes with a certain load, and this load is desire. It is because of this that the human is not going to want to let go of desire.
Each chakra has its own desires, which are linked to material consciousness and its colour vibrations:
Orange vibration
This concerns desire in connection with the body – fashion, plastic surgery, sexuality – and it is the desire to be seductive and beautiful. The desire for parenthood is also part of this.
Yellow vibration
This is where the terrestrial elements are found, in the solar plexus; it is the desire for ease and relaxation as a function of the terrestrial element of the individual.
smoking: terrestrial element earth
alcohol: terrestrial element water
drugs: terrestrial element air
food: terrestrial element fire
To begin with, these things present as desires but they can degenerate into dependence.
Green vibration
In the heart chakra there are three paths and, depending on the individual’s calling, he will follow one of these paths: entering into a convent, taking part in eco movements or dedication to science.
Each of these represent a fanatical desire, to the detriment of other interests. This is a narrow path where those involved are blinkered.
Blue vibration
The desire is to talk and to be heard. It is also the curiosity and voyeurism through the development of spiritual senses.
Violet vibration
The desire is to fill oneself with book knowledge. The human being goes in search of the light and experiences the urge to purify, and therefore only has eyes for the obscure things of the world. On the other hand, he experiences a great need to reprimand others.
White vibration
The crown chakra no longer has desires, for desire is linked to the red terrestrial energy.
The human must have experienced all desires during the development of his material consciousness.
The symbol: a carpet comprising all the lives. It is very colourful, with lots of relief.
The chakras give colour to the carpet of life, but the patterns, the designs are created among other things through letting go of desires.
When the human recognizes his desires and puts them aside, he becomes forgiving towards other humans and their desires. But if the human is still attracted by desire, even if he thinks he has let go, he will still carry a critical eye towards the human with desires.
Concerning the question of desire, we see that the human thinks mainly of sexual desire. But desire can refer to countless things. We also use the word desire for anything for which the human feels a need to be satisfied.
We know for example that many humans think that the first thing they should do on a Sunday morning is go to church. We can see therefore that the urge to go to church for such humans is a desire, and for many this sounds bizarre since many do not associate this with desire.
Desire is to do with a human greed which also involves sentiment, I must follow this desire through so as to feel at ease, to make me feel happier and also to be accepted. So desire is to do with traditions acquired by upbringing and such, and assumes a life of its own.
Each one has his own desire, for there are as many heads as there are desires and, in addition to that, each chakra, each colour vibration has its own desire. We believe that it is important that each human being comes to understand his own desire, for we often notice that the human considers his own desire as a virtue.
We have mentioned the example of churchgoing, when the human says: ‘I absolutely have to go to church, I absolutely must read the Bible, or…’ When one adds ‘absolutely’ it is always a question of desire. Because the human thinks he cannot do without such-and-such a thing, he will not find his place in society, his own humanness, in relationships…
Putting all desires in the same bag, we therefore say: ‘Desire says something about your humanness – but not about your essence.’ And when the human sees these desires as a virtue, he will not be inclined to take a close look at these desires or to put them aside.
When there is a sexual desire, a desire for alcohol, for drugs or cigarettes, one thinks, Yes, these are bad desires, not virtues, and so I should fight against such desires.
But all the other desires are seen as virtues and are frequently displayed triumphantly, whilst saying such things as: ‘Look at me, this is what keeps me busy, this is what I do’ – without realising that these things are equally unacceptable and have an important impact on one’s humanness, on one’s interior well-being and, as a result, on the experiences of one’s essence.
For the human who finds it important to say a prayer before eating, or read a passage in the bible, or kneel to say a prayer in the evening before going to bed, thinks he cannot live without these rituals. This arises from the principles, If I don’t do it, I won’t deserve my place in heaven – it actually goes as far as that for the human being.
This demonstrates how a human is always a slave to his desires but doesn’t accept them as ‘desires’ as such, to the extent that he is not even conscious of the fact that this is a desire.
However, these desires leave their imprint on one’s humanness, one’s possibilities, which means that we create a prison for ourselves, a loss of freedom, which has considerable influence over the human.
Every human being wants to be free, but we say: ‘Freedom in the sense that you give it, is yet another desire.’ For, to be free does not mean, I’m closing the door on myself and I will go with the flow. Freedom comes from the interior, from one’s essence.
If you live according to this kind of freedom, it is something completely different from the freedom that the human being thinks he is experiencing when he buys tickets for a holiday and spends all his holiday allowance. The human thinks he is deciding freely, but a journey could be a desire because, deep down, he is of the opinion that he has the right to travel when and where he wants to; but he also thinks, If I don’t go away on holiday, people might think that I can’t afford to.
There are different motivations therefore for the human being to make a place for his desires and for them to persist. If the human is conscious of them and at the same time tosses them out of the window, he is certainly going to notice that his life will no longer be the same.
Someone who is restless might well think, I’ll put on the radio, I’ll listen to some music to calm me down – that’ll be good. In this way he is using music as a desire, for he thinks he won’t be able to attain peace and quiet without being able to listen to this music. Watching TV can also constitute a desire.
If someone says: ‘I can’t do without smoking or I can’t do without alcohol’ – we can understand it since both are habit-forming dependencies, and everybody knows that it is difficult to give up smoking or drinking. But when we say: ‘Try not to turn on the TV or the radio during the next twenty-four hours’ – for many humans it proves to be very difficult and they try to find other ways for making the time pass. These desires are a continuation of the human being, whereas he thinks that it is really him.
We are not suggesting that everything be cast aside; it is much more important to become conscious of all these things. For now that you are getting a better understanding of these things and you feel like turning on the TV or radio in the morning, perhaps this line of inquiry will cross your mind, Is it because of a desire that I am doing this, or is it because I really want to watch the news? – and you will notice that the pleasure that fulfilling the desire gave you before will diminish little by little, and the only thing that remains is what really suits you, and corresponds to who you really are and what your essence has to offer.