Traditional Rules
In a landscape covered with heather and dry grasses, I see two paths.
On the right a woman wearing traditional farmer’s clothing approaches.
A man in a dark farmer’s costume approaches from the left.
Then a very large silver cup appears in the middle of the foreground of this image.
This silver cup now stands completely in the light, causing the farmer couple to disappear in a dark, misty shadow in the background.
Now teachers are appearing out of and from behind the cup.
We started with a clear view of a farmer and a farmer’s wife walking into this image.
This stands for the traditional life you are familiar with.
Not that you actually walk around in traditional garments, but you’ve stepped into this life in a specific environment. In that environment there were a number of rules, certain agreements, and even though they were not explicit you knew exactly what to do.
That is what this man and women stand for, appearing in their traditional costumes.
You also saw the silver cup, as silver stands for the essential consciousness. We are in contact with this and thought it was fun to briefly show ourselves.
We see that many people struggle with the traditional rules from their environment.
Even though the human has built his own life, got married, or moved to another part of the country, these rules nevertheless travel with him in his rucksack.
And meanwhile, although unconsciously, the person applies exactly the same rules to his life as he was taught at home under the influence of the parents.
But you also saw in the starting image, that exactly that part was shrouded in darkness.
The silver could be seen in the light but the image of the farmers couple disappeared in a grey, hazy, dark background.
We ask you: ‘What rules influence you strongly?’
They may be quite diverse, because everyone has their own environment, and you cannot compare one upbringing to another. But we do see that people are very faithful, very loyal to the rules from their upbringing.
Most of the time people will say: ‘Not me, I am an independent essence. I have built up my own life and I have nothing to do with that past anymore.’ But we see that when a human feels weak, old family sayings and family rules surface again.
And that in itself wouldn’t necessarily cause you trouble, however, those hidden statements and sayings will play a role.
Let’s go back to your childhood and look at how regularly a certain remark or a saying was used.
But let’s also look a bit further: Why were you born into that family?
Everyone can rebel against their environment, their own family, even against the atmosphere, but the essence knew that this was the setting it needed to learn its lessons.
Therefore it is good to take a look at the environment the essence has been sucked towards.
And when you get more insight into this, it will become much easier for you to recognize your lesson and to learn it.
The human often feels like a victim of his family, the environment, the circumstances, however, his essence has taken up this environment and wants to have this experience.
A human has to let go of his sense of victimhood, if he wants to get further on his path in life. If a person is still drawn to his parental environment, then time and time again he will return to his parents’ path, to the family and the setting he grew up in.
Loyalty to your family is a blockade that hinders you to progress in this life.
And of course it seems quite odd that we speak about loyalty, while the human himself thinks he didn’t have much luck with his parents and his environment. Still the human returns again and again, hoping they appreciate him or that his parents are proud of him.
On the other hand we see that the moment his family calls upon him for help, he stands with them completely once again. We would like to change this pattern. Not to break with the parents or with the old environment, but one has to learn to look at it in a more neutral way. Because in this neutrality you are able to keep in touch with your own essence, and your essence will tell you whether or not to do something in a situation with your family.
But the human will say: ‘Yes, but I am part of them.’ Which means that family still has a strong pull on the human, and because of that, he is no longer in touch with his essence.
The creation of a family only happens because the essence has chosen that environment, it was attracted to this setting to learn its lessons.
And when the lessons are learned, this environment doesn’t have any use to the essence anymore.
So the family is no longer useful to you either, and this may seem harsh. Because many will think, All right, but surely I cannot abandon my father, mother, brother and sister?
But from your essence’s point of view, you don’t have a bond with them any longer. The essence needed this environment to learn its lessons and as soon as the lessons are learned, this chapter has ended and you do not have to go back to it anymore.
We do hope that you’ll gradually start to distinguish and see that you are not a member of a family, but that your essence only chose this family as teaching material so you would be able to continue on your path. And we hope that, because of this insight, you’ll stop being pulled back by the characteristics of your family.
This does not mean you don’t respect them, but in a certain phase of your development you will be expected to make your own choice.
And you are not doing it for us. We can allow for many things in your humanness, because we know humans through all their troubles and struggles.
The important thing is that you find the urge in yourself to get further on your path.
And we only can say: ‘Yes, it does have its consequences.’